Written by Dr. Michael Braitsch PT, DPT via November 2022 Newsletter
Orthostatic hypotension is an unusually large decrease in blood
pressure on standing that increases the risk of falls.
Establish whether symptoms are due to orthostatic hypotension by taking blood pressure:
supine (laying down)
upright (seated or standing)
Management and prognosis vary according to the underlying cause, (whether orthostatic hypotension is neurogenic or non-neurogenic).
Neurogenic orthostatic hypotension (NOH) might be the earliest clinical manifestation of Parkinson's disease and often coincides with supine hypertension.
NOH requires individualised, and primarily non-pharmacological approach to the management.
If you have NOH, talk with your doctor about possibly treating it with:
the cessation (or reduction) of blood pressure lowering drugs adoption of lifestyle measures (eg, counterpressure manoeuvres) like ankle pumps before standing and more EXERCISE
Use of compression stockings
In some cases, use of other pharmacological interventions